Sunday, August 27, 2006

Frustrations about the JYD.

Well, I think that the Jefferson County Young Democrats is over for the time being. There has been a lot of personal issues between members and personality conflicts. There have been many issues that arose from the CD7 primary. There also have been many issues as a result of how we want to conduct ourselves as a group. Though we all wanted to be a force for good, there were issues on how to proceed. On one hand, as small as we were, we may not have been able to spearhead an event. There has been argument about this, however we would have help from bigger groups but many felt antsy. It just annoys me that personal issues and in many cases, the unwillingness to committ to do something has caused these problems. The thing is, if you want to be sort of involved, find a big existing group and just blend in there. If you want to join a group that is small and in the formative stages, one needs to committ to doing something. There needs to be concensus on how to proceed. But there needs to be committment. That being said, hopefully we will be able to get Bill Ritter elected Governor, with Jeffco going to Bill, same with Bill Winter, Ed Perlmutter and our various state house and state senate candidates. I hope that one can create a new and lasting future for the JYD, but it isn't going to happen right now. Dealing with the stress of getting sideswiped by a drunk driver, I am spent. I will recover and continue to volunteer through this election season. I think Ed Perlmutter can win. I would like to lend some help to him. I want Bill Winter to win as well. He's a great candidate and would be a far superior comgressman to Tom Tancredo. I don't know if I can volunteer for that campaign because of some personal issues. I would also like to help out Bill Ritter. The thing I find interesting about Ritter is that he is essentially a moderate, but has some very progressive stances, especially with energy and the environment and the fact that he uses the moderate approach makes it easier to get his ideas across to conservatives. Good luck to all of us and our candidates in their endevours.


Blogger R said...

Best wishes with your organization, CO! JeffCo deserves some young Democrats!

I should do more volunteering for Bill Winter, even though I think the Tancredo Machine will steamroller him just as it did Joanna Conti two years ago. There's too much of a "greed" mentality in this country, as you wrote earlier, and there's also too much of a "winner" mentality. ("Nyah nyah, my candidate is a winner and yours is a loser.") The best, most courageous politicians throughout the world often had to overcome many, many losses along the way before the world finally came around to their points of view: Lincoln, Churchill, etc.

Best wishes.

10:21 AM  
Blogger CO Democrat said...

Well, Bill Winter is awesome. He would be a far better congressman than Tancredo. I have donated more money to him because I know how tough the race is for him. I wish I could help him more, but I don't know if I can now.

5:31 PM  

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