Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The stress of politics.

My JYD group is falling apart at the seams. On one side, there are people that seem to want to be involved, without being involved and on the other side there are people that are fed up with trying to make things work. There may not be anything to do with this election cycle, as far as the JYD is concerned. Should the group fall apart, if there is a relaunch in 2007, am I the guy to be the point person on it? I don't know. Well, I think I may pe putting in more work with Ed Perlmutter's campaign even though I live in Bill Winter's district. I will still donate to Bill, but there are reasons I just can't be there. One is that even though I live in CD 6, I live in Jeffco, and Jeffco barely gets acknowledged in the CD6 race. For Jeffco stuff, I have to go into CD7. THough there is another issue. Mainy a comfort one. (See Previous Post). I just don't know what the hell I am supposed to do.


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