Friday, April 21, 2006

We need a new "New Deal".

In 1932, the Great Depression had been raging on for three years. Many people felt that then President Herbert Hoover was clueless about how to deal with the economic crisis that has hit our country so hard. Franklin Delano Roosevelt decided to run for President with "The New Deal" as his platform. He was elected President and incorporated The New Deal into action. The proposition and implementation of The New Deal had accomplished two things. For one, provided economic relief during a very trying economic crisis for America. Another thing is that it had united many disparate factions under a progressive ideal that was put into action by the Democratic Party in 1932. Why these points are resonant today is because many people are predicting another depression. No doubt in large part because of the policies of one George W. Bush. A man who has made economic policies that are both counterproductive and counterintuitive. It is important to do anything in our power to make sure that this does not happen. America cannot afford another depression. We got through the last one through the innovation and we should try to avoid the next one through the same kind of intelligence and innovation.

What's more is that we need to unify all the factions of the Democratic party both within the party and with many independents that are disaffected with the direction that the Republican Party has taken. Many people are looking for a change and they are looking to the Democratic party. Reading "Crashing The Gates" by Markos Moustalita and Jerome Armstrong talks about how the Democratic Party seems to have become broken up into special interest groups that care entirely about their single issue and don't want to work for progressivism beyond their issue. NARAL endorsed pro-choice Republican senator Lincoln Chaffe over two pro-choice Democrats. Despite the fact that the Democratic party platform includes ensuring a Woman's Right to choose, whereas the Republicans are opposed to abortion. Granted there are a few Republicans who are pro-choice and some Dems that are not, but what they are doing hurts their cause. We, as Democrats and as Americans need to look at broader issues and at the big picture. Another new deal would help to facilitate a unifying message. The New Deal coalition is dead, but that doesn't mean that we can't create a new one. Will it be like FDR's new deal? In many ways, no. It needs to reflect the 21st Century. In many ways these times are very different from 1932. But the basic idea can be updated and utilized again. Our country is depending on us to do it.


Blogger Marshall said...

Everyone is opposed to abortion. No one wants abortions, no one is saying lets go catch a movie and get an abortion, abortion is worst case scenario. The question is do you think outlawing abortion will solve the problem, I do not. That is difference between Democrats and Republicans, Republicans just want to outlaw abortions and pretend the problem ends there while Democrats are truly committed to reducing abortions by eliminated the real reasons that women get abortions.

You need to work on the language that you use (I have pointed this out to you before), you communicate your values by the language you use to other people and when you say that only Republicans care about reducing abortion people pick up on that and it is exactly opposite of what is actually true.

8:18 AM  
Blogger CO Democrat said...

Okay. What I meant to say was that the Republican party wants to outlaw abortion. Whereas the Democratic Party does not. Does the Democratic party want to reduce abortions? Yes of course. Yes, I can see how what I said there can be taken out of context.

10:03 AM  
Blogger Marshall said...

I liked the start of your post and if you want to tie in abortions then economics is the major reasons abortions occur. If a woman has the resources to take care of her baby then why would she abort it.

Republicans kick the working and lower class in stomach day in and day out and then complain that we get abortions, well it is Republicans economic policies that are the main driver.

Republicans don't care about reducing abortions, what they do care about is getting those people that do care about abortions to the polls to vote Republican so Republicans can continue their assault on the working class. We need to talk to these people but remain true to keeping abortion legal which will always be a central goal of Democrats.

Consolidation of our country's resources to the wealthy and corporations which has been the only main goal of Republicans ever since they abandoned Teddy Roosevelt.

11:37 AM  
Blogger CO Democrat said...

True. What happened is that I went off on a tangent about things that I read in "Crashing the Gate", which I finished reading about the time I wrote that. In my defense on the language issue. Everybody regardless of party affilliation falls victim to this language regarding abortion. That being said, I need to make a concious effort to fix that with myself.

I most certainly agree with you on Republicans and abortion. Case in point, the fact that when Clinton became President, the abortion rate decreased during his presidency as opposed to Bush I and increased during Bush II's term as opposed to Clinton.

Yes the working class have been kicked in the stomach very hard. This is true. Which is why we need a new New Deal.

3:01 PM  

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