Sunday, December 17, 2006

Went to "An Inconvenient Truth" house party last night.

Pretty low-key affair. Though they were going on all over the country. But we participated in a conference call with Al Gore, watched the movie and wrote postcards to our congressman (unfortunately for me, that would be Tom Tancredo). Once that was over, I went home. I keep reflecting on ways that I could reduce my part of the emissions. Change a few habits, etc. The bus to work isn't practical for me for many reasons. Too bad I don't work downtown. I'd take lightrail. I will have to buy the DVD, if I don't get it for Christmas.

That was after having gone to a cat shelter for a few hours. I keep thinking that I would like to get a cat. I worry about money. Especially since I have gone into therapy to figure out how to fix myself. I have a lot of ground to cover. I need to look into healthcare coverage, but that will be difficult, I'm sure.


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