Sunday, April 09, 2006

2006, the year that the Democrats turn it around. I certainly hope so. Living in Colorado, I have seen some serious changes these last few years. I couldn't believe we took the state house and State senate from the Republicans in 2004. Ken Salazar won the senate race. Referendum C passed in 2005. Nationally, the Republicans are vulnerable. We could easily win so many races this year.

At the same time, I wonder if the Democrats will do what it takes to win. While I have a keen interest in politics, I get annoyed by two things in the Democratic party. I say this as a Democrat mind you. On one hand, there are politicians that act wimpy and never stand on principle. It is easy for someone like me to see that they can and should stand up for themselves and for what is right. Yet they continue to let the Republicans have their way when they should be fighting back. There have been some strong signs of that changing, but not quite enough. I was quite unhappy with the overwhelming support of Democrats for renewal of the Patriot Act. Why they do that, I do not understand. But the other thing I have a problem with is activists who care about their issue and get obstinate when they don't get their way on their issue. In order to win the race, we all need to come together and stand up as a party. Politicians and people alike. We won't always get what we want and we will lose a few battles, but we need to stand firm and be pragmatic.

This is my first post. Sorry if it sucks. I'll do better next time.


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